
ALRF Publication Series

Non-academic writing based on local and historical knowledge related to the ALRF published by the Aleza Lake Research Forest Society and partners.

Annual Reports

Year-end reports from ALRF staff summarizing the Aleza Lake Research Forest Society’s activities and performance.


Digital versions of our  brochures with general information about the ALRF.

Journal Articles  & Theses

Citations of peer-reviewed publications authored by ALRF researchers, students, and staff. Includes graduate theses and extension notes.

Management Plans

Past and current  forest-level management plans for the ALRF. Includes extensive background on ALRF history, ecosystems, geology, and climate. Landscape level goals and objectives, biodiversity targets, research and education infrastructure, and annual cut are outlined.


An archive of ALRF newsletters with bi-annual updates on ALRF research and education activities.


Presentations from ALRF-hosted conferences and workshops.

Technical Reports

Reports summarizing results from ALRF-based  pilot studies, surveys and long-term data sets. Includes undergraduate theses and reports.